Monday, January 5, 2009

1st post - January 2009 movie selection

I have finally successfully joined the blog...I am one of Newt's buddies from high school

I join you all by lifting my mace high - zombies beware!

I watched Night of the Living Dead and will watch Zombie 2 this week, so I will be caught up. I'll add some posts for those movies. Newt says I have the January pick, so without further suspense here it goes: the 1985 Zombie-Alien-Vampire classic, LIFEFORCE. Beware the kiss of the evil temptress as it will leave you braindead...just ask Patrick Stewart.

1 comment:

Pig hearts Zed said...

Ok, I just finished this movie, it was pretty amazing, the boob category will probably be close to 5 severed legs. Dave, don't disappoint us, you only have a few days to finish your post, which must be in accordance with the pre-determined format.
Tits and peace aloha.